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How Pedagogy Can Help You Facilitate a Meeting or Training

Virtual meetings and trainings have become the new norm. But while they’re convenient, they also come with their own set of challenges. One of those is pedagogy. What is it? Well, it’s the art and science of teaching. The dictionary defines it as "the method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject or theoretical concept." "The relationship between applied linguistics and language pedagogy." It’s about understanding how people learn, gathering data on what works best in different situations, and using that data to create an effective learning environment—which is exactly what you need for successful virtual meetings and trainings. Here’s how you can use pedagogy when facilitating a meeting or training via Zoom or other video conferencing platforms.


Understand Your Audience

The first step in using pedagogy to facilitate a successful meeting or training session is understanding your audience. Who are they? What do they already know? What do they need to learn? Knowing the answers to these questions will help you tailor your teaching style and content accordingly. For example, if you’re conducting a training session for salespeople who already have some experience in the field, you don’t want to start at square one; instead, find out where their knowledge gaps are and focus on filling those gaps with relevant information.


Create Engaging Content

Once you know who your audience is and what they need to learn, the next step is creating engaging content that will keep them interested and engaged throughout the session. This means more than just talking at them—it means creating opportunities for discussion and interaction by asking questions or soliciting feedback from participants throughout the session. This helps ensure that everyone feels heard, which creates an atmosphere of respect and mutual understanding that encourages learning.


Set Clear Goals

Finally, it’s important to set clear goals for each meeting or training session so everyone knows what to expect going in—and so everyone knows when the goal has been met at the end of the session. This helps keep everyone on track during the session itself by providing direction as well as helping participants feel like their time was well-spent once it ends. Setting goals also helps ensure that all participants understand why they should care about what's being discussed—which can be especially important when facilitating sessions with multiple stakeholders who may not be familiar with each other's roles or areas of expertise!


Pedagogy plays an important role when facilitating meetings or trainings over Zoom or any other video conferencing platform. By taking the time to understand your audience and their needs before diving into content creation, setting clear goals during each session, and focusing on engagement during each interaction, you can ensure that every meeting or training you lead goes off without a hitch! As long as you remember these tips for utilizing pedagogy effectively during your virtual meetings and trainings, Brand You Studios can help you facilitate like a pro every time!


What are your thoughts? Let us know! And be sure to check out the Brand You Studios website for more great tips on marketing your business. Thanks for reading! 

By Brand You Studios

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